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Structure search

Started by guga, January 13, 2022, 07:13:48 PM

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Hi Guys

Sometime ago, JJ helped me on a function that can scan a array of Real8 values. "BinSearchReal8" as described at  Now, i´m testing a function i created to work with a Array of Structures (of any size) that can search a given value from a Real8 member located anywhere inside each structure. The goal is to make it fully configurable so it can scan the exact value or from desired position (so, inside a certain range). The array of structures are ordered (from the smaller value of the desired member to the higher one).

Each structure is formed by 2 Real 8 followed by one Dword. So, it´s size = 24 bytes long
On this example all the 1st real 8 is ascending ordered and this are the values i want my value to be scanned. So, each value (in red) is located at Position 0 inside each structure. Also we have a total amount of 13 structures on the array.
MyStruct0: R$ 2, R$ 5, D$ 128
MyStruct1: R$ 5, R$ 115, D$ 28
MyStruct2: R$ 10, R$ 556, D$ 25
MyStruct3: R$ 600, R$ 52536, D$ 1
MyStruct4: R$ 650, R$ 511, D$ 0
MyStruct5: R$ 700, R$ 5184, D$ 12
MyStruct6: R$ 800, R$ 51548, D$ 11128
MyStruct7: R$ 930, R$ 5767, D$ 1218
MyStruct8: R$ 1600, R$ 5556, D$ 12848
MyStruct9: R$ 1800, R$ 577, D$ 11454128
MyStruct10: R$ 12525, R$ 5344, D$ 11528
MyStruct11: R$ 75555, R$ 325, D$ 12118
MyStruct12: R$ 100000, R$ 3235, D$ 1]

The search can be done in 3 ways:

a) Exact Search match. Value to be searched = 700. It must return the address where it is located = MyStruct5. If the value is not found, it must return 0
b) Previous Search match. Value to be searched = 650. It must return the nearest address where it is located (the previous one). So, on this case it will return MyStruct4, since it´s value starts at 650 and end before 700 (MyStruct5)
         Also, if the value is located at 1st or last pos, it also return those values. Ex: if we are searching for 4 (or even 0, 1), it will return MyStruct0, and if we are searching for 300000, it will return MyStruct12 and so on.
         It will always return the corresponding address
c) Next Search match. Value to be searched = 650. It must return the nearest address where it is located (the next one). So, on this case it will return MyStruct5. So one position before the previous case.
        Also, if the value is located at the 1st pos or last pos, on the same way as the previous case, but with one position always ahead. (Except if the value is located after the last position, that on this case will always return MyStruct12...or on the 1st position (MyStruct0) if the value is located before the 1st one, ex: we are searching for 0, 1 any value smaller then 2 at MyStruct0)
         It will always return the corresponding address
d) Works on both directions, no matter if the values of the members to be found are ordered ascending or descending.
e) Works with whatever size of the structure. No matter if it contains Dwords, BYtes, etc...All it is looking for is a Real8 at the given relative position of the members of the structure. On this example the Real 8 to be found is at Position 0 , but it cold also be at Pos 8, Pos 30, 37, 187 or whatever. position it is relative to the each start of structure .

What i did was something like this (RosAsm syntax). The problem is that for the exact search match, whenever the value is located at the last position "MyStruct12" it always result on a error, because it will try to located the value outside the true ending address. I tried to fix that with a small hack at the beginning of the function, but it ends up slowing a bit the function, and also seems t not being worked correctly.


pArray - Pointer to a Array of Structures
Value - A pointer to the Real8 value to be scanned
ElementsCount - Total elements of the array. So, the total amount of structures that formes the array
StructureSize - The size of each structure
PosinStruct - The position where the member we want to scan. So, the 1st Real8 is located at 0, the 2nd at 8 etc etc
Flag - A flag representing the type of search we ant to perform. it can be one of the following values:
         STRUCT_SEARCH_EXACT 0 ---- Search for the exact value inside each structure
         STRUCT_SEARCH_NEXT 2 ----- Search for the closest value inside each structure but output the next adress where it belongs
         STRUCT_SEARCH_PREV 4 ------Search for the closest value inside each structure but output the adress where where it is inside it´s own range.

Proc StructSearchReal8Test::
    Arguments @pArray, @Value, @ElementsCount, @StructureSize, @PosinStruct, @Flag
    Local @Pivot, @NextTblSize, @TrueEnd
    Uses esi, edi, edx, ebx ; <-------Simple Macro to preserve those registers

    mov edx D@Value
    mov ebx D@PosinStruct | movq XMM1 X$edx+ebx ; Our value to be retrieved
    mov esi D@pArray
    ; EndAddress = StartAdd*SizeStruct
    mov edx D@ElementsCount
    mov D@NextTblSize edx | imul edx D@StructureSize | lea eax D$esi+edx | mov D@Pivot eax | mov D@TrueEnd eax

    ; small hack for exact search flag at the last position
    If D@Flag = STRUCT_SEARCH_EXACT ; special case of the last value
        mov edx eax | sub edx D@StructureSize
        movlps XMM0 X$edx+ebx
        SSE_D_If XMM0 = XMM1 ; ----> Just an If macro, but used for SSE2 ---> COMISD XMM0 XMM1 | jne XXXXX
            mov eax edx | ExitP ; found it at the last location
            dec D@NextTblSize

        .If esi < eax ; Cur Address < EndAddr ; same as in masm. Simples address comparisions.
            mov edi D@Pivot;eax
            ; Pivot = (CurAddr-EndAddr)/16 (2 Real8)
            shr D@NextTblSize 1 | mov edx D@NextTblSize | imul edx D@StructureSize | lea eax D$esi+edx
            mov D@Pivot eax
            movlps XMM0 X$eax+ebx
    SSE_D_Loop_Until XMM0 <= XMM1 ; <----- A macro to compare SSD instruction. ===> COMISD XMM0 XMM1 | jnbe XXXX (Start of the loop at @DoLoop)
        add eax D@StructureSize | mov esi eax
        mov eax edi | mov D@Pivot eax; | jne @DoLoop

.SSE_D_Loop_Until XMM0 = XMM1


    mov edx D@Flag
        xor eax eax
        If esi < D@TrueEnd
            SSE_D_If XMM1 = XMM0
                mov eax esi | sub eax D@StructureSize
    .Else_If edx = STRUCT_SEARCH_PREV
        mov eax esi | sub eax D@StructureSize
        mov eax esi


Example of usage:

[ScanValue: R$ 100000]

call StructSearchReal8Test MyStruct, ScanValue, 13, 8, 0, STRUCT_SEARCH_EXACT

Can someone help ? Wha i´m doing wrong...or how can it be coded to make it even faster and also using the needed arguments/parameters ?
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Hmm; pardon me if I'm missing something (and please let me know if I am), but this seems like a very trivial exercise in searching. Especially since it's a structure of known composition and size.

What I would do is something like this (in pseudocode, not actual ASM):

o Set pointer at starting position (beginning or end of structure)
o Do forever:
     o Compare value at current position to search value
     o If equal,
          o Return current position
     o else
          o advance pointer to next (or previous) structure element
     o If at end of structure
          o BREAK (and return whatever indicates "No match")

The "if at end of structure" would evaluate the index you use to access each element and see if it exceeds the size of the structure.

I don't see why there should be a problem at the first or last element. Nothing special about them. You just have to make sure not to "fall off the end" of the structure and try to address possibly inaccessible memory.

I don't know anything about how you'd be doing the REAL8 comparisons, and it doesn't make any difference anyhow, so long as you don't do any illegal memory accesses.
Assembly language programming should be fun. That's why I do it.


The problem here is speed

The goal is make it search the fast as possible, that´s why it is choosing a pivot (elements count/2) to perform  the search on each iteration. Doing it by half (as JJ proposed) can reduce the number of iterations a lot. Say, i have a file with 400 Mb to be scanned. This file is formed by something around 130.000 structures. The correct pointer can be retrieved in something around 12 iterations (or less), rather then performing a loop on each of the 130.000 structures.

The problem i´m facing is that when the search is made on the exact value to be scanned, whenever the value is at the end of the whole array, it goes outside the last address (And, thus will perform an illegal memory acess)
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So it's like (or is) a binary search, where you split the list in half each time until you find what you're looking for?
Assembly language programming should be fun. That's why I do it.


Quote from: NoCforMe on January 15, 2022, 04:27:47 PM
So it's like (or is) a binary search, where you split the list in half each time until you find what you're looking for?

That makes sense if the file is sorted. Otherwise, linear search is less complicated and faster.

Quote from: guga on January 13, 2022, 07:13:48 PM
Each structure is formed by 2 Real 8 followed by one Dword. So, it´s size = 24 bytes long
On this example all the 1st real 8 is ascending ordered and this are the values i want my value to be scanned. So, each value (in red) is located at Position 0 inside each structure. Also we have a total amount of 13 structures on the array.
MyStruct0: R$ 2, R$ 5, D$ 128
MyStruct1: R$ 5, R$ 115, D$ 28
MyStruct2: R$ 10, R$ 556, D$ 25
MyStruct3: R$ 600, R$ 52536, D$ 1
MyStruct4: R$ 650, R$ 511, D$ 0
MyStruct5: R$ 700, R$ 5184, D$ 12
MyStruct6: R$ 800, R$ 51548, D$ 11128
MyStruct7: R$ 930, R$ 5767, D$ 1218
MyStruct8: R$ 1600, R$ 5556, D$ 12848
MyStruct9: R$ 1800, R$ 577, D$ 11454128
MyStruct10: R$ 12525, R$ 5344, D$ 11528
MyStruct11: R$ 75555, R$ 325, D$ 12118
MyStruct12: R$ 100000, R$ 3235, D$ 1]

Post an example of this file.


The data (Real8) is sorted. The sort is in ascending order no matter if the Real 8 is the 1st, 2nd, 3rd etc element.

I´ll try to port it to masm to you guys see what´s wrong.
Coding in Assembly requires a mix of:
80% of brain, passion, intuition, creativity
10% of programming skills
10% of alcoholic levels in your blood.

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Is it sorted by the element you are searching for? Otherwise the tree search makes no sense.

Two more aspects:
1. Exact search: you have REAL8 values, but 1.23456789 != 1.23456789 depending on precision set
2. What is your usage:
  a) Sort once (very slow), then grab a Million times the values?
  b) load database once, then grab one value?


A first test (it creates once a 32MB file with random REAL8 numbers):
Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-2450M CPU @ 2.50GHz (SSE4)
+19 of 20 tests valid,
1487    cycles for 10 * FindData linear
8144    cycles for 10 * Fcmp

1259    cycles for 10 * FindData linear
8109    cycles for 10 * Fcmp

1199    cycles for 10 * FindData linear
8068    cycles for 10 * Fcmp

1206    cycles for 10 * FindData linear
8082    cycles for 10 * Fcmp

107     bytes for FindData linear
72      bytes for Fcmp

  cost REAL8 ?
  taxes REAL8 ?
  price REAL8 ?
  profit REAL8 ?
GugaData ENDS

FindDataL proc find8:REAL8, element
  lea ecx, gugadata(0, cost) ; ArrayPtr
  add ecx, element
  push gugadata(?) ; #elements
  push eax ; copy of #elements
  mov eax, dword ptr find8
  andX=11111111111111111111111111111100b ; tolerance mask for rounding errors
  and eax, andX
mov edx, [ecx]
and edx, andX
.if eax==edx
mov edx, [ecx+4]
.Break .if edx==dword ptr find8[4]
add ecx, GugaData
dec stack
  .Until Sign?
  pop edx
  pop eax
  sub eax, edx
FindDataL endp
invoke FindDataL, FP8(205.81415888176433), GugaData.price ; element #18

With 262.1826729473792738 it takes a bit longer: that is element 999990


Wait, wait (or should that be fwait, fwait?): You wrote:
FindDataL proc find8:REAL8, element
  lea ecx, gugadata(0, cost) ; ArrayPtr
  add ecx, element
  push gugadata(?) ; #elements
  push eax ; copy of #elements
  mov eax, dword ptr find8
  andX=11111111111111111111111111111100b ; tolerance mask for rounding errors
  and eax, andX
mov edx, [ecx]
and edx, andX
.if eax==edx
mov edx, [ecx+4]
.Break .if edx==dword ptr find8[4]
add ecx, GugaData
dec stack
  .Until Sign?
  pop edx
  pop eax
  sub eax, edx
FindDataL endp
invoke FindDataL, FP8(205.81415888176433), GugaData.price ; element #18

I see at least two problems:
1. You're pushing EAX, which is supposed to be the # of elements, before setting it. Or is the caller expected to set it?
2. You set ECX to point to the start of the structure (lea ecx, gugadata(0, cost)), then you're adding "element" to get to the nth element, but that's wrong, isn't it? because "element" would be an index, when what you want is an offset, so you'd be pointing into the middle of an element.

Sorry to pick nits here, but ...

Also, I don't understand the following things:
  lea ecx, gugadata(0, cost) ; ArrayPtr

  push gugadata(?) ; #elements

Are those MasmBasic operators? I see what the first one is doing, but not the second. What does gugadata(?) mean?

And of course nobody's yet answered the question Guga asked about running off the end of the structure ...
Assembly language programming should be fun. That's why I do it.


If you allocate much more memory and print last adress?
Make use of SIMD version of compare faster,without branch prediction?
Produces mask to AND pointer with ffffffffffffffffh or zero
my none asm creations
I am an Invoker
"An Invoker is a mage who specializes in the manipulation of raw and elemental energies."
Like SIMD coding


Quote from: NoCforMe on January 16, 2022, 06:57:06 PM
I see at least two problems:
1. You're pushing EAX, which is supposed to be the # of elements, before setting it. Or is the caller expected to set it?
2. You set ECX to point to the start of the structure (lea ecx, gugadata(0, cost)), then you're adding "element" to get to the nth element, but that's wrong, isn't it? because "element" would be an index, when what you want is an offset, so you'd be pointing into the middle of an element.

This is element in the sense of structure element; and GugaData.price is indeed an offset:
  cost REAL8 ?
  taxes REAL8 ?
  price REAL8 ?
  profit REAL8 ?
GugaData ENDS

MiscellaneousDeclarations: ; called from Init
  Dim gugadata() As GugaData ; create an array of structures
  ArrayRead gugadata(), "GugaArray.dat"  ; read data into the array
  invoke FindDataL, FP8(262.1826729473792738), GugaData.price

Quote  lea ecx, gugadata(0, cost) ; ArrayPtr
  push gugadata(?) ; #elements

Are those MasmBasic operators?

Yes. The lea ecx, gugadata(0, cost) loads the address of the first array and first structure elements. So this is the start of the data.

QuoteAnd of course nobody's yet answered the question Guga asked about running off the end of the structure ...

The push gugadata(?) in combination with dec stack takes care of that.

Perhaps it becomes clearer when you see the *.asc source in RichMasm (as in the screenshot below) or in WordPad.

I attach a version with more comments. It searches for one element towards the end of the array.

Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-2450M CPU @ 2.50GHz (SSE4)
-+18 of 20 tests valid,
66512   kCycles for 10 * FindData linear
316696  kCycles for 10 * Fcmp

66904   kCycles for 10 * FindData linear
316687  kCycles for 10 * Fcmp

66768   kCycles for 10 * FindData linear
316935  kCycles for 10 * Fcmp

66527   kCycles for 10 * FindData linear
317312  kCycles for 10 * Fcmp

107     bytes for FindData linear
72      bytes for Fcmp

999990  = eax FindData linear
999990  = eax Fcmp

Btw the second test uses Fcmp, which takes account of precision problems but is relatively slow:

xor ecx, ecx ; zero the index
dec gugadata(?) ; #elements of the array, minus 1
push eax ; #elements-1
Fcmp gugadata(ecx, price), FP8(262.18267294738), high  ; note the approximate value!
.Break .if Zero?
inc ecx
dec stack
.Until Sign?
xchg eax, ecx ; return index
pop edx ; balance the stack

With medium instead of high precision, it would find a matching element already at index 19142. This is the problem with REAL8 precision: if you don't allow for some tolerance, you'll find the element only if you pass the absolutely exact value to a search algo.


Hi JJ, many thanks..i´ll take a look. Here is a file that can be tested to search the data. About your questions, yes, it is a huge file loaded in memory. It is an array of structures ordered by a certain member. On this example, it contains 123800 structures (Ordered through the 1st and 2nd  members - boith are Real8). Each structure is formed as below:

QuoteLCHUnorderIndex.Chroma: R$ 0
LCHUnorderIndex.Hue: R$ 0
LCHUnorderIndex.Luma: B$ 0
LCHUnorderIndex.Red: B$ 0
LCHUnorderIndex.Green: B$ 0
LCHUnorderIndex.Blue: B$ 0

The equates related to the structure are:

[LCHUnorderIndex.ChromaDis 0
LCHUnorderIndex.HueDis 8
LCHUnorderIndex.LumaDis 16
LCHUnorderIndex.RedDis 17
LCHUnorderIndex.GreenDis 18
LCHUnorderIndex.BlueDis 19]

[Size_Of_LCHUnorderIndex 20]

Btw: I´ll later rename the structure. It is actually ordered and not unordered

A example of what it contains is something like this:

LCHUnorderIndex.Chroma.Data3: R$ 18.5245
LCHUnorderIndex.Hue.Data3: R$ 15.5468
LCHUnorderIndex.Luma.Data3: B$ 2
LCHUnorderIndex.Red.Data3: B$ 0
LCHUnorderIndex.Green.Data3: B$ 0
LCHUnorderIndex.Blue.Data3: B$ 0

LCHUnorderIndex.Chroma.Data4: R$ 19.2558
LCHUnorderIndex.Hue.Data4: R$ 16.45868
LCHUnorderIndex.Luma.Data4: B$ 2
LCHUnorderIndex.Red.Data4: B$ 0
LCHUnorderIndex.Green.Data4: B$ 0
LCHUnorderIndex.Blue.Data4: B$ 0
LCHUnorderIndex.Chroma.Data255: R$ 89.2558
LCHUnorderIndex.Hue.Data255: R$ 96.45868
LCHUnorderIndex.Luma.Data255: B$ 2
LCHUnorderIndex.Red.Data255: B$ 0
LCHUnorderIndex.Green.Data255: B$ 0
LCHUnorderIndex.Blue.Data255: B$ 0


So...if you choose the function to search from the 1st member (in red) = is always ordered in ascending order. Also if you intend to search from the 2nd Real8 (In green), it is also ordered in ascending order.

The filei´m posting is just a piece of he whole one. It contains all 16 million pixels containing all the values of the CieLCH color space, but ordered from Luma, Chroma and Hue. I choosed to put Luma in the 3rd member of the structure because it is a byte (from 0 to 255), to avoid some slow when the function uses the movsd to get the data from the Real8.

The exact match (STRUCT_SEARCH_EXACT  flag) works like this...If i want to search for the value 89.2558, it wil then return the address at LCHUnorderIndex.Chroma.Data255. Otherwise it will return 0 (FALSE)

If we search the Previous one (STRUCT_SEARCH_PREV flag), it works like this. If i want to search for the value 19, it will return the adrress at LCHUnorderIndex.Chroma,Data3, because it´s range for Chroma goes from >= 18.5245 to < 19.2558 (located at the next structure). So the STRUCT_SEARCH_PREV will works for conditions of the number be smaller or equal to the one ou are searching. will return LCHUnorderIndex.Chroma.Data2 if the value is located at the 1st struture or (LCHUnorderIndex.Chroma.Data3 on this example) or the last one if it is located at the end (LCHUnorderIndex.Chroma.Data255 on this example). Or ehen it is outsided it´s boundaries, ex: Value to be searched = 0.5, since this does not exists, but is smaller then the 1st one, it will return LCHUnorderIndex.Chroma.Data3, because 0.5 is smaller then 18.5245 or return the last one if the value exceeeds the one found at the last structure.

If we search using the next one (STRUCT_SEARCH_NEXT flag), it will do the oposite as above. It will return the next structure always (and not the previous one). So, if we are looking for the value 19, it will return "LCHUnorderIndex.Chroma.Data5" etc etc. Also if we are looking for the value 0.5 (That doesn´t exists, but is smaller then the 1st one), it will return the address at LCHUnorderIndex.Chroma.Data3, because 0 is smaller then the 1st value (18.5245). The same situyation goes if we are looking for a value higher then the last one, it will always return the last structure.

Using the method you did on the binarysearchReal8 (dividing by 2) is way faster then do a direct search, specially considering we are dealing with image that contains lots of pixels to be analysed. So, performing a seraching using the division by 2 is much faster, then a direct scaan, and even more faster then if i have to calculate the value to be found.

You can get the file to be tested heree:

I couldn´t upload on the post due to it´s size that exceeded the limits.
Coding in Assembly requires a mix of:
80% of brain, passion, intuition, creativity
10% of programming skills
10% of alcoholic levels in your blood.

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Dividing the 2 (as you did before) is way faster, because since the values of the members are ordered we need a few loops until it is found.

Ex: Total amount of structures (elements of the array) = 123800

1st Loop, divide it by 2 and set the pivot (tempoirary end), that goes from
0 - 61900 (pivot  = new end) = toal elements = 61900
61901 - 123800

If the number to be found is smallfer then the 61900th value (Located at the 1st or 2nd or whatever member position inside the structure), it will do the loop (and division) again.

2nd loop. Total elements = 61900
0 - 30950
30951 - 61900

If the value is smaller then the one found in 30950th element, it will do agaain.

And also the same goes if the value if higher. Ex:

1st Loop, divide it by 2 and set the pivot (tempoirary end), that goes from
0 - 61900 (pivot  = new end) = toal elements = 61900
61901 - 123800

The value to be found is bigger then the 61901 we need to search from 61901th to 123800 th. Do the loop again

New start = 61901
End = 123800

So.. on the next loop we will look for the value in the next 2 tables

61901 - 92850 1st new array of elements
92851 - 123800 2 nd new array of elements

untill it reaches thee condition defineed by the flaag (seraching equal, previous or next).

It´s teh same techique you used before. The problem i´m facing is on the exact search that is giving me the incorrect address, specially when the total amount of elementsto be scanned is odd. Or result in a odd amount after each loop.
Coding in Assembly requires a mix of:
80% of brain, passion, intuition, creativity
10% of programming skills
10% of alcoholic levels in your blood.

My Code Sites:


Quote from: guga on January 17, 2022, 12:55:49 AMSo...if you choose the function to search from the 1st member (in red) = is always ordered in ascending order. Also if you intend to search from the 2nd Real8 (In green), it is also ordered in ascending order.

How can it be sorted by two elements simultaneously? That makes only sense if you have multiple identical entries for the first element.


How can it be sorted by two elements simultaneously? That makes only sense if you have multiple identical entries for the first element.
Not necessarily. I didn´t analysed yet all the contents of the generated data for the 2nd member, but it most likely the 2nd member is also ordered ascending since it is calculation depends on Chroma. So, it is a kind of ratio that results the Hue. The way i did, i created all Hue and Chroma to work on a percentage of a certain range of grey (Luma).
Can we have duplicated values for the 1st members and differents for the 2nd one ? Yes we can, but i didn´t analysed all the values on the 2nd member yet. What it seeems is that since they are related to each other, most likely the 2nd member is also sorted. (I´ll check it later once suceed to fix this search function).

Ex: We have a Luma (Gray) whose value is 128, then i knowfrom the table that this grey lavel ave specific minimum and maximum values for chroma and hue. All i did was normalize that range (from 0 to 100%). The resultant percentage on each grey level seems to be unique for hue and chroma and also have the property to obbey the same order. So, if hue is in ascending order, Chroma is doing that too and vice-versa.

The table can have these pixel contents
Pixel______Grey ________________Chroma Percentage_________Hue Percentage
1_________128_____________________38.15%_________________15.989% (Where the pixel is located on this given range)
2_________128_____________________45.5%__________________16.989% (Where the pixel is located on this given range)

What are those percentages ? They indicates the position of chroma and hue for a specific Grey level (Luma). I created another table containing the minimum and maximum, so each grey may result of a combination of 120000 pixels, each one of them with his unique hue and chroma. But, on this other table is where it contains the actual value of minimum and maximum.
Ex for Grey = 128
Min Crhoma = 18.6
Max Chroma = 235
Min Hue = 65
Max Hue = 70

For Grey = 200
Min Crhoma = 66.6
Max Chroma = 300
Min Hue = 80
Max Hue = 85

etc etc


So, rather then calculate the true value of hue and chroma, i created a RGbtoCieLab and CieLabtoRGB that uses the percentage of each hue/chroma relative to its´own Luma (Grey level). Upon this i found out that they Hue/Chroma are always related to each other whicch makes easier to create a better color convertion function, since i can now calculate the true properties of the generated Color Space.

I suceded to make the converter stays the hue within something around 90º always and correctly classify the colors. I fixed the CieLCH algorithm to behave like that. But the problem is that i´m trying to make it search faster, so i can go further and finishes the rest of the analysis of this Color Convertion techique.

This is the same thing as if we use  ListView with sereral different data and sort them from the 1st column, then the second, then the 3rd and so on. (Or in excel, that works too)

Of course, since the RGBtoCieLCH is not 100% perfect, it may have some values that maches, and in fact, it do exists some RGB combinations whose Hue and Chroma percentage for a given grey level is the same....But...this happens on a very few situations, (due to some rounding error i presume).

I just want to test the search routines the same way you did previously, so i can advance and see those other details, to compare tyhe values for Hue or Chroma or analyse how they behave when i want to decrease the chromacity of aa given image aand also preserving it´s hue proportions, or decreaseing the hue at each leevel and preserving chroma etc.

What i did was simply classify all possible colors so, the total array starts with Luma 0 to 255, each one of them containing XXXXX pixels displayed in order of chroma and hue,
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