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NeHe Tutorial in masm64

Started by Mikl__, August 06, 2020, 12:55:45 PM

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Lesson #21: Lines, Antialiasing, Timing, Ortho View And Simple Sounds

This is NeHe large tutorial. In this tutorial you will learn about: Lines, Anti-Aliasing, Orthographic Projection, Timing, Basic Sound Effects, and Simple Game Logic. You have to fill in a grid while avoiding nasty enemies.,_antialiasing,_timing,_ortho_view_and_simple_sounds/17003/

There are asm\wav\bmp\exe-files and cursor in the attachment.


Creative coders use backward thinking techniques as a strategy.


Lesson #28: Bezier Patches

Tired of flat surfaces? Feel the nice bulge of curved Bezier surfaces! Learn how to create bezier patches. Learn how to alter a surface by modifying control points. The surface being altered is fully texture mapped, the animation is smooth!

  • the Left and Right arrow keys rotate the object
  • the Up and Down arrow keys raise and lower the resolution
  • the SPACE key toggles displaying the control point grid

There are asm-\bmp-\exe-files and cursor in attachment.


Lesson #45: Vertex Buffer Objects.
We are continuing to travel around Antarctica

When you need raw polygon-pushing power, you can always utilize the optimizations provided by OpenGL. Vertex Arrays are one good way to do that. For even more boost you can use a extension to graphics cards called 'Vertex Buffer Objects'. The extension, ARB_vertex_buffer_object, works just like vertex arrays, except that it loads the data into the graphics card's high-performance memory, significantly lowering rendering time. Not all graphics cards support 'Vertex Buffer Objects' extension.

There are asm-\bmp-\exe-files and cursor in attachment.




Hi Mikl!

Assembling: tut_40-38.asm
tut_40-38.asm(140) : error A2006:undefined symbol : GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR
movReg64Arg(11): Macro Called From
  invoke(46): Macro Called From
   tut_40-38.asm(140): Main Line Code
tut_40-38.asm(145) : error A2006:undefined symbol : GL_BGR_EXT

I think I have differents includes and libraries.
Equations in Assembly: SmplMath


Hi, HSE!
The inc-files are updated with constants from one lesson to next lesson


 :thumbsup: Fantastic Mikl!  Object is assembled.

I have some linking problems. Perhaps I have to see Uncle Tales   :biggrin:
Equations in Assembly: SmplMath




Tomorrow I will run 64bits again  :thumbsup:
Equations in Assembly: SmplMath


I have tried the sample 21,the exe don't want to work with Win10.
So I have tried the C++ sample and he work in 32.
I try to compile it in  64 and link say
Lesson21.obj : error LNK2001: symbole externe non résolu SOIL_load_OGL_texture
Msdn don't kow that and it seems that it is a library.Did you know how and where find it ??
Fa is a musical note to play with CL


Salut Yves!
Essayez d'exécuter cette version du programme dans Win10. Je ne sais pas d'où vient la constante "SOIL_load_OGL_texture" dans mon programme
  • MASM64 conversion of NeHe's OpenGL tutorial 21 by Mikl___ There are wav and bmp-files in
  • Visual C++ OpenGL tutorial 21 by Jeff Molofee (NeHe)
  • MASM32 conversion of NeHe's OpenGL tutorial 21 by Christophe Jeannin (Chrishka)


Thanks for the various samples of the sample21.
There is only the VC one who works with windows 10.
I finally found the SOIL library who need to be compiled in 32 or 64 bits.
I try to compile the VC sample21 with Visual studio 2019,but it is not win.
The 32 bits versions as worked and changed of idea a little time after.
The 64 bits need the 64 bits SOIL library with numerous constants switch to define or not.
Fa is a musical note to play with CL




Perhaps it's for that than no one work in windows 10.
The Nehe C++ use it,you can download them in "GITHUB  OPENGL NEHE TUTORIAL"
Fa is a musical note to play with CL