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Caballero's drawer

Started by avcaballero, May 01, 2018, 05:49:40 AM

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Is it a window or Dialog based application ?
Is IsDialogMessage() used with a Window app ?
May the source be with you


QuoteThe title bar of the window includes a question mark. When the user clicks the question mark, the cursor changes to a question mark with a pointer. If the user then clicks a child window, the child receives a WM_HELP message. The child window should pass the message to the parent window procedure, which should call the WinHelp function using the HELP_WM_HELP command. The Help application displays a pop-up window that typically contains help for the child window.
WS_EX_CONTEXTHELP cannot be used with the WS_MAXIMIZEBOX or WS_MINIMIZEBOX styles.




Hello, here the full fasm source codes for odbc connecting to microsoft access files and Oracle. "db_access.mdb" file also included. The program runs a query from the "emp" table.

First you must connect to the data base, for it you have to provide some data:
  - Access. mdb filepath that you may type in the editext or by using the openfile dialog button. Then click in "connect", if you previously didn't fill the filepath the program tells you and position you in the edittext for it. When you finally connect, the "get data" button will be enabled and you can click on it to get the data from de data base table emp dumped in the list view of the program. You may disconnect when you want and then the "get data" button will be disabled again.
  - Oracle. You must fill the DSN choosing it in the combobox, the user and password. Then you will be able to connect to database, otherwise the system indicates you what reamains to provide and put you in the right place for it. When you finally connect to database, the "get data" button will be enable, the same action as in access.
You may change the position for every object in the program using tab button.

* Edited: A minor improvement and bugfixed on listview headers.


I have perfiled the program for my personal project based on the ODBC-conn basic programs that I did some days ago. The name of the mdb loaded (without its path) is added to the groupbox. When the Oracle-conn is achieved, every object in its groupbox is deactivated, except the button to disconnect. I am planning to add a progress bar also above the executing button. It should extract the source codes inside every db to text files, so they would be better examined.


I'm noticing that SQLExecDirect doesn't allow functions within a sentence. For example, "select format(dt_start, "yyyymmdd")" triggers an error. Has anyone experimented such inconvenient? In the end I don't worring about if, because I can easily do it by hand in asm, but it would easier that the query send me the result. I have tested "select {fn format(dt_start, "yyyymmdd")} as fecha" but doesn't work either.


For this project I'm thinking on a embedded data base, my first thought was on SQLite, but it is more than 500k dll for such a tiny project, it seems ridiculous. So I searched and found LMMD, 64K. It seems quite sexy for this project, but I didn't know it, any knowledge out there?

I have three environments:
  - Orig. Main.
  - Prev.
  - Dest.
Starting from Orig I want the find what object has changed in Prev and Dest, but also it may be some differences, so I have stablished the next statement:

  - Orig: 1 = 0001b
  - Prev: 2 = 0010b
  - Dest: 4 = 0100b
In such a way that, for example, 1 + 2 = 3 = 0011b means that this object is in Orig and Prev environments. And I have to dump all this data to the db I use. This information is usefull to know what object is in which db. Which one has changed, which one has been deleted, which is new, so on.


Quote from: caballero on January 09, 2021, 12:36:34 AM
my first thought was on SQLite, but it is more than 500k dll for such a tiny project, it seems ridiculous
Yes. You can use the static library but size is same because is an object, and you can't remove unused functions. Any way is nice  :biggrin:
Equations in Assembly: SmplMath


This is my first attempt on doing so, not very well yet


A bit better now, I think


Rotating Sphere + back face culling




WIP - 20Kb

F1: Plane
F2: Cube
F3: Cylinder
F4: Sphere
F5: Torus

1: Wired
2: Wired + back face culling
3: Flat filled
4: Lambert shading


great :thumbsup:
back face culling also possible with import few hundred polys?
my none asm creations
I am an Invoker
"An Invoker is a mage who specializes in the manipulation of raw and elemental energies."
Like SIMD coding