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JWasm212 fixed TYPE

Started by habran, April 23, 2015, 08:25:31 PM

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Hello  mortals :biggrin:
long time no see, sorry... busy ;)
rrr314159 tanks for pointing out a TYPE error :t

the error was here:


// values for sflags if register
enum op1_flags {
    SFR_SIZMSK  = 0x1F, /* size in bits 0-4 */
    SFR_IREG    = 0x20,
    SFR_SSBASED = 0x40, /* v2.11: added */
    SFR_YMMMASK = 0x3f, /* added by habran */


int SizeFromRegister( int registertoken )
    unsigned flags;
    if (((registertoken >= T_YMM0) && (registertoken <= T_YMM7 ))||
      ((registertoken >= T_YMM8) && (registertoken <= T_YMM15 )))
      flags = GetSflagsSp( registertoken ) & SFR_YMMMASK ;   //added by habran
      flags = GetSflagsSp( registertoken ) & SFR_SIZMSK;

    if ( flags )
        return( flags );

    flags = GetValueSp( registertoken );
    if ( flags & OP_SR )
        return( CurrWordSize );

    /* CRx, DRx, TRx remaining */
    return( ModuleInfo.Ofssize == USE64 ? 8 : 4 );
    return( 4 );

here is a fixed binary version
Still working on AVX512 8)


can you give that 32-bit version too?


Certainly TWell :biggrin:
my second name is CANDO ;)


Hi Habran,

special thanks. Have you heard something of Andreas? What is with the other OS (DOS, Linux, BSD, OS/2)?

You have to know the facts before you can distort them.


Hi Gunther, you welcome
Keine Ahnung where is Andreas :icon_eek:
I am afraid of the worst  :(
QuoteWhat is with the other OS (DOS, Linux, BSD, OS/2)?
I can build only for windows
In the attached folder there are three files I changed, so if you are able to build them you are welcome


Hi Habran,

Quote from: habran on April 24, 2015, 06:22:24 AM
I can build only for windows
In the attached folder there are three files I changed, so if you are able to build them you are welcome

I'll try it for DOS and Unix. I've to check the build scripts by Andreas. OS/2 is a bit tricky, because I have only an old OS/2 Warp 4 original CD here and could try to build it in a Virtual Machine. I'm not sure if that's sufficient.

You have to know the facts before you can distort them.


Hi habran,

Are the changes based on the latest jwasm code by Japheth?


Hi anta40,

Quote from: anta40 on April 25, 2015, 03:08:18 AM
Are the changes based on the latest jwasm code by Japheth?

I think so. But Habran made a lot of changes to implement for example  AVX and AVX2.

You have to know the facts before you can distort them.


>anta40 Yes, JWasm212s_140105
>Gunther I am adamant that you will do your best :t


Hi Habran,

thanks for the fix makes life a little easier. Someday I'll learn how to fix JWasm myself, can't count on you mortals being around forever ;)
I am NaN ;)


Hi rrr314159 :biggrin:
It is my pleasure to make you grumpy old people happy ;)
QuoteSomeday I'll learn how to fix JWasm myself
Yeah, if you want the job done properly, do it yourself :lol:
Quotecan't count on you mortals being around forever ;)
mortals is my invention, so I am excluded 8)


Hi Gunther,

Quote from: Gunther on April 24, 2015, 11:11:05 PM
OS/2 is a bit tricky, because I have only an old OS/2 Warp 4 original CD here and could try to build it in a Virtual Machine. I'm not sure if that's sufficient.

   If you need some (minor) help, I have working OS/2 systems
in use here.  Do you have a preferred virtual environment?

   You could look at eCS or Warpstock Europe for current items
related to OS/2 as well.


Steve N.


Hi Steve,

Quote from: FORTRANS on April 26, 2015, 12:28:25 AM
   If you need some (minor) help, I have working OS/2 systems
in use here.  Do you have a preferred virtual environment?

good to know. I would prefer VirtualBox or VMware Player, because I've no experiences with Quemu and Virtual PC from MS doesn't work with Windows 8 and above, I think.

You have to know the facts before you can distort them.


Quote from: habran on April 23, 2015, 09:12:39 PM
my second name is CANDO ;)

Hi Cando,

Just tested version 23 April on my latest RichMasm (16k lines) and MB (25k) sources, and it works absolutely fine - great compliment :t

Given that Andreas seems to have abandoned the project, we are really lucky that you maintain it - thanks a lot :icon14:


