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RadASM v2.2.2.3

Started by fearless, January 15, 2018, 07:09:52 AM

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Whats New

  • Increased custom control max count to 64
  • Extended custom control properties count. Previously this was limited to 127 total unique properties, of which 69 where in use by RadASM. These properties as defined by and stored in the ccdef and ccdefex structures are now handled in a new manner to store the text strings of the new property names in the notused field of the TYPES structure. Control IDs > 65535 will store the property strings in this manner and retrieved/parsed for inclusion in the dialog properties listview.
  • Added property description editbox below properties list.
  • Added support for custom control's property description, by adding and supporting 3 new method types, which allows for the property description string to placed after the property blocks:

PROP_STYLEMULTI             EQU 3 ; old

HAND_POINTER                EQU 80h

PropertyHand                dd -1 xor HAND_POINTER,0
                            dd -1 xor HAND_POINTER,HAND_POINTER
                            db "Specifies if the mouse changes to a hand pointer...",0

Methods                     dd PROP_STYLETRUEFALSE_DESC,offset PropertyHand

  • Took out some experimental code that I worked on trying to incorporate web search for F1/CTRL+F1.
  • Took out some experimental code that allowed opening of a url from a text string of a url in comments.


I've added a bit more information about custom controls in a wiki page as well now - hopefully it consolidates some of the information relating to custom control development - which previously was only available via source code and might have been harder to figure out what everything was for. But i feel there is possibly more that can be documented and covered, so feel free to suggest anything else to add to it.



I had to reupload a small fix - code function list would disappear when selecting list and/or selecting a code functions in the list (i was hiding windows in an attempt to fix a flickering issue i noticed when switching from dialog editor to code - obviously it didnt work) . Packages and and installation exe have been updated. Its just the exe, so if you downloaded the installer or packages, you just need to fetch the exe for this small fix:


Hi Fearless!

I think you must change the cherrytree location in the about dialog with present gitub location of your version (where there is references to original files)  :t
Equations in Assembly: SmplMath


Thanks HSE,

Yes I probably will change it to point to the repo in any future builds.


Nice to see that the Radasm project is active again :t


Hi fearless,

thanks for the release, here you can download a cool font for IDE - Download the fonts (OTF, TTF, WOFF, WOFF2, EOT)

Source Code Pro Font

Source Code Pro is a set of OpenType fonts that have been designed to work well in user interface (UI) environments. In addition to a functional OpenType font, this open source project provides all of the source files that were used to build this OpenType font by using the AFDKO makeotf tool.

macOS, Windows, Linux/Unix-based systems



Hi Fearless

Nice to support Radasm2 but why not Radasm3 i have use many years version 2 but i find version 3 better.



Hi ragdog,

Its mainly because I use RadASM v2.x branch, and i remember trying RadASM 3.x (good few years ago at this stage) and found some things werent working or hadnt been implemented yet to allow it to be feature compatible with 2.x branch. I cant recall offhand what bits i found missing/not compatible as it was a while ago - might have been something with the templates or something else, or down to user experience/usability with the menus/gui - knowing where things where and how to modify settings for some things, or a combo of both.

So it was done for my own usage and requirements mainly and to then overcome some small issues i found in 2.x, and then I decided to upload the changes to github in case others found them useful. I might take a look at the 3.x stuff at some point, but at the moment im happy with what im using.


Hi fearless,

Nice to see you supporting this cool IDE.

Currently i am on version

There is a known bug with the procedure's viewer list, the option to view procedures only from the "selected project file" works fine, however, when you keep this option selected and you navigate to another project file, the list does not update itself, you must select to view all project files then select the option "selected project file" again to get the list updated. Can you fix this bug? or has it already been fixed in the version mentioned above?

Thank you.


Its still the same in any version that I have. Have to hit refresh button or all project files then back to selected project files. The version i updated still causing some problems when custom controls are 16 or greater - I found RadASM still crashes at times, and so ive not found a proper solution to this, other than to take out all the RAD controls Im not using (to limit the custom controls to <16)


Quote from: fearless on July 20, 2018, 07:00:40 PM
Its still the same in any version that I have. Have to hit refresh button or all project files then back to selected project files. The version i updated still causing some problems when custom controls are 16 or greater - I found RadASM still crashes at times, and so ive not found a proper solution to this, other than to take out all the RAD controls Im not using (to limit the custom controls to <16)

That option would really come in handy in big projects. Yes, you are right, the refresh works as well.
Is there no other way like maybe send a command to click the refresh automatically after each navigation?
BTW, I think less than 16 custom controls are more than enough for most of coders  :icon_mrgreen:


thanks for the release again, it is awesome.
I want say/ask three things:
1. Before this release, i can translate "Check for updates" addin. In the lang file i cannot find this lines:

UpdateChecker=RadASM Update Checker
1=Get Version
1001=Push Get Version to check the version at Github.
1002=Get RadASM IDE Pack
1003=Get Assembly language pack
1004=Get high level language programming pack
1005=Get language translation pack
1010=Get RadASM help file
1011=View Whats New
8000=Check for updates

And even i add these lines, the addin did not get translated

2. The other addins can be translated from lang file. What should i do for my addins

3. I have attached an addin source can you add it if it is not problem thanks
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Im guessing it is not included in the source, ive not looked at the lang stuff at all tbh, but comparing it to say ProjectZip it doesnt seem to handle or use anything related to lang in addins - not entirely sure how it works as ive not looked at it.
Here is the exact source of it updatechecker, I only modified it to point to github for updates etc.
Maybe someone else with experience in addin creation will know by looking at it what needs to be added to the current source for it to 'pick up' the lang file and replace those ctrl ids with the appropriate strings.
Ill add your addin to the current code base