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Shortages at the stores

Started by Magnum, March 14, 2020, 02:49:53 AM

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Today I went to Walmart to buy some liquid decongestant.

They were sold out on account of the corona virus panic.

Same with other medicines and toilet paper.

I wish more people would calm down and think logically.

I wish I had bought stock with companies who sell toilet paper. :-)

I am really enjoying the cheap gas prices.


Take care,



Yes, the same has happened here. The other day I went shopping at the supermarket when I came home from work and found the entire supermarket empty, including paper. I do not leave my amazement. What do people want paper for?

I had the feeling of living a zombie apocalypse. Many times you see it in movies, but seeing it in person is surprising


- The Walking Dead -

I'm amazed with the developping of this situation. Being warned by the situation in China, no one has taken preventive measures. Knowing that the main problem is its high transmission, nobody used the army to avoid crowds in transport, shops, streets, etc. Mandatory use of masks and gloves, including protective glasses. Nah, they directly close universities, production centers, bars, restaurants, cities... I think politicians move on the basis of tending topics. Nowadays, people are scared by the possibility of taking the covid-19, so we kill flies with cannon shots. However, nobody is looking at the economic earthquake that we are generating, which will be much worse than the blissful covid-19.


The airlines, sports etc. will be hurt financially.

But consumers will spend that money on other things.

So it should balance out.

Take care,



Against all infection, my father, always held ready spirit tincture on juniper, which is easy to replace by russian vodka. In case, of indisposition slightest signs, I'm from 8-year age, from his permission could drink 50 ml. of the tincture or vodka. For whole life this rule never failed me — infectious diseases wasn't !

By experience with flu, I've developed more effective steps, for prevent virus diseases :
1. Indisposition Signs — for gullet disinfection drink 50 ml. of vodka and having thrown back head stream it to nose.
2. Disease Signs — for blood clearing drink 250 ml. of vodka, using spirit as natural antibiotic. Be completely alcoholized — also variant, but possible side-effects, in form of delirium tremens.
3. Signs of presence centres of infection in possessions — wash up ware by boiled water, surfaces disinfect by chloric solution.
4. Signs of internal defeat — buy antibiotic of wide action for reception by 1-5 days, on plate with tablets which to drink regularly through 24 h. / quantity of tablets in plate, at regular intervals. Antibiotics — have the limited period of storage, so possible to hope for stocks in drugstores. Also druggist by symptoms, can choose most suitable.
5. Further, for conclusion viruses from lymph — wash in sauna or steam room. After it is possible return to normal life.


It's not just airplanes or sports. From tomorrow they can only open shopping malls and pharmacies. This means that bars, restaurants, cinemas, hairdressers, schools, etc. will remain closed and, therefore, these people who run these businesses do not have their income. Don't talk about tourism. Those who can telework can be relatively calm for now. Aid for these people has already been approved in some countries. You only have to see the stock market falls to get an idea. Instead home theater platforms are going up.  :thumbsup:


The obsession with toilet paper seems an exclusively U.S. American issue :cool:


Only coronavirus COVID-19 thanks Italia for it's success of spreading :nie:
A normal soap is better than alcohol in low level to that virus, believe or not, but that virus hate soap somehow?
May the source be with you


Quote from: Adamanteus on March 14, 2020, 04:47:55 AM
Against all infection, my father, always held ready spirit tincture on juniper, which is easy to replace by russian vodka. In case, of indisposition slightest signs, I'm from 8-year age, from his permission could drink 50 ml. of the tincture or vodka. For whole life this rule never failed me — infectious diseases wasn't !

By experience with flu, I've developed more effective steps, for prevent virus diseases :
1. Indisposition Signs — for gullet disinfection drink 50 ml. of vodka and having thrown back head stream it to nose.
2. Disease Signs — for blood clearing drink 250 ml. of vodka, using spirit as natural antibiotic. Be completely alcoholized — also variant, but possible side-effects, in form of delirium tremens.
3. Signs of presence centres of infection in possessions — wash up ware by boiled water, surfaces disinfect by chloric solution.
4. Signs of internal defeat — buy antibiotic of wide action for reception by 1-5 days, on plate with tablets which to drink regularly through 24 h. / quantity of tablets in plate, at regular intervals. Antibiotics — have the limited period of storage, so possible to hope for stocks in drugstores. Also druggist by symptoms, can choose most suitable.
5. Further, for conclusion viruses from lymph — wash in sauna or steam room. After it is possible return to normal life.
6. Cure hangover afterwards  :skrewy:
Well I think you have good points
@ caballero, so after a long time without hairdressers, people will look like hippies? :)
my none asm creations
I am an Invoker
"An Invoker is a mage who specializes in the manipulation of raw and elemental energies."
Like SIMD coding


Yeah, something like that, or nomads like in the stone age  :toothy:


Quote from: TimoVJL on March 14, 2020, 08:01:39 AM
Only coronavirus COVID-19 thanks Italia for it's success of spreading :nie:

You are just nine days behind, Timo - ever heard of exponential growth? At a rate of 25% per day?

QuoteLocal authorities estimate the number of Chinese citizens living in Prato to be around 45,000, illegal immigrants included

QuoteA normal soap is better than alcohol in low level to that virus, believe or not, but that virus hate soap somehow?

Yes, all coronaviruses have a fatty outer shell that is very susceptible to soap.


> The obsession with toilet paper seems an exclusively U.S. American issue

Nah, the donkeys have done the same here. Lucky I bought a normal packet just before the morons stripped retailers of all of their toilet paper.


What happened in Australia yesterday is what will happen here today. This is because they are 12 hours ahead in time.


As I said before the same happened here a few days before. The region of Madrid decreted the clousure of universities, institutes and kinder gardens. So, people get into panic and arrased the existences in supermarkets. Even the toilet paper.

The point is that there are no masks and gloves in the market here since a few weeks ago. There aren't. And the gov hasn't managed to resupplly them in the market, or they haven't wanted to because there is no point in so much ineffectiveness. This shows that the market is already short of certain products, which has logically caused hysteria in people.

Today the state of alarm comes into force in Spain, which means that there will be confinement throughout the country. And also stops the entire production system that cannot work from home. Logically this will cause shortages and panic among buyers. If this continues, as it seems, there will be unemployment, people without money, with the same needs for food every day and, logically, there will be robberies in supermarkets.

I think things are being done too badly, not only in Spain, it seems that everywhere.